What You Can Do to Alleviate Back Pain

Homme avec douleur à l'épaule
Homme avec douleur à l'épaule

Alleviating back pain does not have to be hard. Several successful steps are as follows:

Avoid prolonged bed rest. Numerous studies demonstrate that excessive lying down can impede healing and exacerbate discomfort.

“Probably the one thing we’ve learned firmly over the last 25 years or so about back pain and bed rest is that it is not acceptable,” says William Lauretti, DC, an associate professor at New York Chiropractic College and a spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association. Rather than that, “you want to be as active as possible while dealing with your back discomfort.”

Move. While you may not want to move while you are in pain, it is critical to do as much as possible.

According to Robertson, the majority of back discomfort is not significant, even if it is excruciatingly painful. “So, overcoming fear of motion and continuing to move despite pain is critical,” he explains. Walking is an excellent option that you may perform on your own. Additionally, you can work with a physical therapist to learn how to recognise dangerously high levels of pain and which exercises are most beneficial for you.

Maintain proper posture. Pay attention to how you hold your back whether sitting, standing, walking, sleeping, or performing daily activities. Proper posture occurs when all of the bones in your spine are positioned properly. Poor posture can result in a tight and strained back. This frequently results in back pain.

Lauretti provides the following postural advice:

  • Avoid hunching over your laptop when seated in your bed. That is a surefire formula for chronic back discomfort.
  • If you’re going to be sitting for an extended period of time, use cushioned chairs. Hard seats will not support your back and may make it difficult to sit up straight.
  • If necessary, use a comfortable desk and chair while working.

The following are some general guidelines for maintaining proper posture:

  • Maintain a shoulder-width distance between your feet.
  • When standing, tuck your stomach in.
  • If you’re standing for an extended period of time, alternate your weight between your feet and from your toes to your heels.
  • Rearrange your shoulders.
  • Allow your arms to drop naturally at your sides.

Sleep wisely. According to Lauretti, the ideal bed is one that is “pleasant for you.” In terms of the optimal sleeping position, he advises that sleeping on your side or back is gentler on your back than sleeping on your stomach. If you sleep face down, your head will be turned constantly to allow for proper breathing, which can result in neck pain.

Bhamgara claims that tucking a cushion between her legs helps her hips align, which alleviates her back pain.

Relax. According to Robertson, back discomfort can be caused by stress, tension, and other non-physical issues. Massages and acupuncture may aid with muscle relaxation. Yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness activities may help you improve your mood, stretch your muscles, and relax, all of which may help you manage your back pain more effectively.

Bhamgara believes mediation helped her feel alive, particularly when her back discomfort made movement difficult.

“I’d consider healing every inch of my body,” she explains. “At times, I imagined myself wandering through a park with my headphones on and simply dancing!” That resurrected me.”

Consult your physician. If your back discomfort persists after four weeks or if you have long-term pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks and interferes with your everyday activities, consult your doctor. They can assist in determining the source of your pain and may offer alternative therapies. Seek immediate medical assistance if your legs tingle, feel numb, or are weak.

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Noé Juwe Ishaka ; Ph.D Candidate ; Adler University, Chicago Campus, IL

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